Zayne Geffre -Web Developer
Self-taught Web developer with a passion for creating video games and web applications.
First of all
Explore my portfolio of C# video games, including a blast from the past tower defense game!
Not to mention
Discover the web applications I have created using C#, and JavaScript from simple tools to complex systems.
And let's not forget
I am proficient in C# as well as full stack web development, and always eager to learn new technologies.
Zayne Geffre is a self-taught web developer developer with a passion for creating video games and web applications. With a focus on modern design and professional aesthetics, Zayne's programming portfolio showcases a range of skills and experience in C#, JavaScript, HTML, React.js, Unity, ASP.NET, CSS, git, and GitHub and SQL. Contact Zayne today to bring your project to life.