Zayne Geffre -Web Developer

Self-taught Web developer with a passion for creating video games and web applications.

brown tower under clear sky
brown tower under clear sky
First of all

Explore my portfolio of C# video games, including a blast from the past tower defense game!

Not to mention

Discover the web applications I have created using C#, and JavaScript from simple tools to complex systems.

And let's not forget

I am proficient in C# as well as full stack web development, and always eager to learn new technologies.

group of people using laptop computer
group of people using laptop computer

Zayne Geffre is a self-taught web developer developer with a passion for creating video games and web applications. With a focus on modern design and professional aesthetics, Zayne's programming portfolio showcases a range of skills and experience in C#, JavaScript, HTML, React.js, Unity, ASP.NET, CSS, git, and GitHub and SQL. Contact Zayne today to bring your project to life.

Let's work together to bring your project to life. Contact me today to get started.

Get in touch